Barndominiums / Homes / ADU / DADU

Affordable, Flexible, and Timely Solutions for Your Barn Needs

As pole barn builders, our building techniques allow for economical, flexible, and timely building options, whether building an agricultural barn, gambel-style barn, or monitor-style barn.

We are proud to say we have built hundreds of barns and agricultural buildings throughout Skagit, Whatcom, Snohomish, King, San Juan, and Island counties.

ADU Exterior
White custom home with staiway
Lang Front Barn with a balcony

Spane Buildings – Where Size, Functionality, and Customization Meet Your Budget

As the region’s leading agricultural building contractor, we take many factors into consideration during the design process Including the type of siding, overall size, direction of natural sunlight, the roof style with respect to rain and snow fall, stalls, cupolas, ventilation, porches and storage. Your barn or agricultural building can be as practical or luxurious as your budget and vision allow. Our expert team looks forward to working with you to get the job done right. Please contact us today for a quote.

Our Barndominium/Home/ADU/DADU Projects

white barndominium

Barndominium 1


Barndominium 2

grey barn with living space

Barndominium 3

Custom Home with balcony

Barndominium 4

tan barn/shop

Barndominium 5

Custom Home red and grey

Barndominium 6

White custom home with staiway

Barndominium 7

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Mt Vernon WA

Barndominium 8


Barndominium 9

custom home

Barndominium 10

custom home

Barndominium 11


Barndominium 12

Home Build by Spane

Barndominium 13

Custom Home red and grey

Barndominium 14

Home with four car garage including two RV bays by Spane Buildings

Barndominium 15

Wooden custom home with gravel driveway

Barndominium 16

Three car barndominium with RV parking by Spane Buildings

Barndominium 17

A pole buildings home built by Spane Buildings in Snohomish County Washington State

Barndominium 18

Spane Buildings post frame hobby garage hillside corner view

Barndominium 19

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Vancouver WA

Barndominium 20

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Sudden Valley WA

Barndominium 21

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Skagit County

Barndominium 22

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Snohomish WA

Barndominium 23

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Pierce County WA

Barndominium 24


Barndominium 25

Barn style two bay garage

Barndominium 26

Blue custom home with stairway and balcony

Barndominium 27

Blue custom home with stairway and balcony

Barndominium 28

Custom wooden home and barn

Barndominium 29

Dark brown modern three bay garage built by spane with the center bay a double. Living quarters above.

Barndominium 30

White custom home with staiway

Barndominium 31

Garge with three regular sized garage bays built by spane on one side and two large oversized garage doors on the other side for easy access to the shop.

Barndominium 32

Four bay garage built by spane with living quarters above and sliding barn doors on one side.

Barndominium 33

Monitor style garage built by spane with multiple bays on either side and office space or living quarters above with large covered porch.

Barndominium 34

Classic Car Garage with apartment on top

Barndominium 35

Spane Buildings post frame post frame motorcycle garage on Whidbey Island

Barndominium 36

Garage built by Spane Buildings in Shoreline WA

Barndominium 37

Barn built by Spane Buildings in Buckley WA

Barndominium 38

Garage built by Spane Buildings in Burlington WA

Barndominium 39

A Spane Buildings post frame home in Bow WA

Barndominium 40

WE HAVE HAD THE BEST EXPERIENCE WATCHING OUR NEW GARAGE/SHOP GROW…the people building our project were very professional and aware of our surrounding at all times. Jim Spane is among the best contractors I have worked with and we both highly recommend Spane Construction.

- Joe Trautt